Sunday, May 17, 2009

An anything prosciutto salad

I am in for a lazy day. It's the long weekend with crappy weather, so going anywhere is not an option unless it's very important. I'm thinking of whipping up some ice cream, but I need to have my fix of vegging out first before I start doing anything.

So in order to achieve maximum vegging time, one needs to use minimum time for making lunch. Since my main course seemed to be a crusty loaf of baguette, I needed to have something to go with it.

Salad it is! An anything-I-find-in-the-fridge salad with prosciutto.

I love how prosciutto makes a salad taste better. Like bacon, but without the cooking and the visual pool of fat that collects underneath. Prosciutto is the ultimate time-saver for my day of vegging.

So what did I find in the fridge to accompany the prosciutto...
  • Salad mix
  • Avocado
  • Ataulfo mango
  • Edamame
  • Pear
One drizzle of balsamic vinegar, two grinds of black pepper. I am going back to my 4th season of Six Feet Under

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Tram! You made my day. I was trying to fight the melancoly of this grey week-end when I saw one of these beautiful picture of your blog around 5pm. I ran to the grocery to get the ingredients. Now I can only smile and feel good after eating such a healthy, good, and nice looking dinner!! I'm in the season 4 as well by the way ;)

    See you soon I hope! Take care,

    Christine :D

